Hoe Zappie werkt

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    Subscribe and receive educational STEAM projects every month.

  • Build

    Build your own toys and learn using clear instructions.

  • Play & learn

    Play with your own creation and experience endless fun.

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Ideaal voor jonge uitvinders van 5 tot 9+ jaar. Elke maand een Zappiebox vol techniek en wetenschap – leuk, leerzaam en zonder gedoe voor ouders!

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Check de boxen

voor 5 - 9+ jaar

  • Ping-pong schieter

    Bouw je een ping-pong schieter en leer over beweging. Maak, test en verbeter je schieter als een echte engineer en raak elk doel.

    Bekijk alle boxen 
  • Draaikunst

    Combineer natuurkunde en kunst. Bouw je eigen draaischijf en maak een kleurrijk kunstwerk. Experimenteer met verschillende kleuren voor unieke creaties!

    Bekijk alle boxen 
  • Hydraulische arm

    Ontdek hoe je van alles kunt optillen met water. Bouw een hydraulische arm en oefen je precisie door zoveel mogelijk magnetische visjes te vangen!

    Bekijk alle boxen 
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  • Name


  • Anne

    Put together with my son. He enjoys it very much! Fast delivery and good quality items.

  • Bryan

    Very positive about this company! Put it together yesterday afternoon, my daughter could do it all by herself. Highly recommended!

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  • Ontworpen door experts

    Learning means gaining new insights and skills. At Zappie this happens through play; children discover, build and experiment in abundance.

  • Getest door kinderen

    Zappie stands for quality. We do this by using sustainable materials such as wood, paper and cardboard. Playing with care for our earth.

  • Leren door te doen

    Look around you, everything you see was created by someone. Creativity creates new ideas that are both surprising and valuable. Creating is the process that brings these ideas to life.

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Meer dan 1000 kinderen spelen met Zappiebox

Volg ons op Instagram via @zappiebox

Collapsible content

What age is Zappie designed for?

Zappiebox is designed for children between 5 and 9 years old.

How long does it take for a box to be assembled?

We keep an average of 60 - 90 minutes. We have designed the box in such a way that several types of crafts are included.

Is the Zappiebox safe?

Of course! Zappiebox has been designed and tested according to all European guidelines. You can find the CE marking on every box.

Do I pay delivery costs?

No. When purchasing a subscription or individual box, delivery costs are completely FREE.

Can children play with this themselves? Is it hard?

We have designed the Zappiebox in such a way that children can work with it independently. Depending on age, one person may need a little more help than another.

Do I still need to have things at home?

No. The Zappiebox is designed so that everything you need is in the box. So you don't have to buy anything else.

What is the delivery time?

We will ship your package within 2 working days. This means that you will usually receive your own Zappie box within 3 working days. For additional information, please refer to our shipping policy .